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Platocom has submitted telecom proposals to the U.S. Department of Communication, towns, counties, and EDAs (Economic Development Authorities).


We are sharing a select few on our website.

Town of Orange, VA

RFP Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 (PPEA-1-2021) POSTED AUGUST 16, 2021.


Platocom Broadband's Proposal in response to the Town of Orange's Request for a Conceptual Phase Proposal for Broadband PPP can be accessed by clicking the button.




Or you can view it on the Town of Orange, VA's website.


Public Private Education Facilities Infrastructure Act of 2002 Guidelines for Review Public/Private Proposals


Link here

Detailed Design Proposal

RFP Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 (PPEA-1-2021) POSTED AUGUST 16, 2021.

Platocom was invited to submit a Detailed Design Proposal in response to the Town of Orange's Request for a Conceptual Phase Proposal for Broadband PPP. Proposal can be accessed by clicking the button.

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